Profitability Analysis of Fish Crackers LJ Dua Bersaudara

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Andrealiza Purwanto
Candra Adi Intyas


Fish crackers are a snack made from seafish. Fish crackers use seafish as raw material for making fish crackers. Fish meat is added to the ingredients for making crackers, to add nutritional value, savory taste and aroma to the crackers. In adding nutritional value, fish meat plays a role by increasing the protein content where the percentage of meat used by fish cracker producers is no more than 30%. The purpose of this study was to knowing and analyze the technical aspects and financial aspects business of LJ Dua Bersaudara. The data collection method uses active participation, observation, interviews, and documentation methods. The data based on the sources used primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used R/C Ratio, BEP, and Rentability. The research was carried out on 5 July – 5 August. The results of this research, the profits is Rp. 288.402.200 on the R/C Ratio is 1.11 it means profitable, BEP sales is 88.093.000, BEP unit of Mewah, MM, SP fish crackers is 3.915 units and the Rentability is 12% it means still viable in the short term.

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How to Cite
Purwanto, A., & Intyas, C. A. (2023). Profitability Analysis of Fish Crackers LJ Dua Bersaudara. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 3(3). Retrieved from


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