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Galang Agung Kurniawan
Candra Adi Intyas


Now days, UKMs have played an effective role in the economic growth of a country. One of the UKMs that plays a role in processing marine products in Lamongan Regency is UKM Mawardi. UKM Mawardi produces various types of dried fish products. This dry fish processing can be an alternative to increase the income of coastal communities. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the profitability of Mawardi's MSME dry fish products. This research is included in quantitative research with data in the form of numbers and obtained from online interviews with business owners. From the calculation of the profitability analysis, the results obtained were Rp. 23,097,000/month, a profit of Rp. 5,909,260/month, BEP units of 219 packages and BEP of sales of Rp. 4,095,722. also obtained an R/C ratio of 1.3 which is higher than 1. The profitability value of 34.4% exceeds the bank interest rate. and REC value of 5.2% and RTC of 27.4% which are higher than the existing interest rates.

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How to Cite
Kurniawan, G. A., & Intyas, C. A. . (2023). PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS OF DRY FISH BUSINESS IN UKM MAWARDI. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 3(1). Retrieved from


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