Analysis of the Profitability of the Mackerel Fish Crackers Business at the Fishery Souvenir Center in Ciepoerindo Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cilacap Regency

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Adinda Setya Luthfiani Luthfiani
Candra Adi Intyas


Mackerel fish has a high nutritional and protein content with a distinctive savory taste, so mackerel fish is in great demand by many consumers. One of the processed fishery products from mackerel fish is crackers. Currently, Ciepoerindo Small and Medium Enterprise play a role in processing fisheries into cracker products. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the management aspects, technical aspect and financial of the business. The data collection method usus active participation, observation, interviews and documentation. Marketing aspects include marketing strategy (segmentation, targeting, positioning, differentiation) and marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, process, people, physical evidence). Technical aspects include determining business location, infrastructure and production processes. The financial aspect for profitability analysis consists of capital, financing, revenue, profits, R/C, Break Even Point (BEP), and Return to Total Capital (RTC). The results of this research showed that revenues amounted to IDR 207.000.000/month, profits amounted to IDR 73.985.469/month, R/C > 1 means profitable, BEP for units of mackerel fish crackers was 23 units, 10 units of original fish crackers and 10 units of onion fish crackers. Break Even Point sales amounted to IDR 4.959.672, and RTC value of 53%. Therefore, Ciepoerindo Small and Medium Enterprise are said to be profitable in the short term and able to run well.

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How to Cite
Luthfiani, A. S. L., & Candra Adi Intyas. (2024). Analysis of the Profitability of the Mackerel Fish Crackers Business at the Fishery Souvenir Center in Ciepoerindo Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cilacap Regency. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 3(4). Retrieved from


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Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line  281, file:
PKPApplication.execute() % line   68, file: index.php
                                                                  ADOConnection.CacheExecute(3600, SELECT 				o.submission_id, 				MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, 				MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, 				MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2]) % line  132, file:
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                                                         SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file:
                                                      SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  194, file:
                                                   SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file:
                                                SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[3], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  132, file:
                                             SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line  263, file:
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   PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line  143, file:
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line  281, file:
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