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Qushoyy bin Ahmad Hairuddin
Andik Isdianto


A port located in the Sempu Strait was built in 1987. After going through several nomenclature changes, now it has settled with the name UPT PPP Pondokdadap. This port has several sections, one of which is the Port Technical Services and Governance Section. Some of the tasks of this section are issuing STBLK and SPB. The two documents indicate that the ship's documents have met the conditions and are legal to voyage. The stages in the issuance of the two documents are verification of fishing vessel files, inputing registration data of departure into the Parasol application, and validating STBLK and SPB. Based on the issuance of STBLK in August, it was found that the highest number was on August 23, 2021, with 50 vessels and the lowest was on August 11 and 17, 2021, with 0 vessels. Meanwhile, in September, the highest number was found on September 6, 2021 with 41 vessels and the lowest on September 27 with 1 vessel. Based on the data, the issuance of SPB never reached or even approached near the number of issuance of STBLK.

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How to Cite
Ahmad Hairuddin, Q. bin, & Isdianto, A. (2022). KEGIATAN PRAKTIK KERJA MAGANG MAHASISWA ILMU KELAUTAN, UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA, DI UPT PPP PONDOKDADAP, KAB. MALANG. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(4). Retrieved from


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