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Kurnia Akbar Archa
Andik Isdianto


Sempu Strait is an area directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean where massive fishing activities are carried out. This massive fishing is due to the UPT PPP Pondokdadap and TPI Sendang Biru in this area. UPT PPP Pondokdadap is a Technical Implementation Unit under the Capture Fisheries Division of the East Java Provincial Fisheries and Marine Service which has functions including technical services for coastal fishing ports, governance and business services as well as administration and community services. The Internship Practice conducted by the author is carried out at UPT PPP Pondokdadap as a form of activity that must be taken to obtain a bachelor's degree. Therefore, with this Internship Practice, it can be used as a new experience for writers and can be used as a venue for direct application of knowledge or theory that has been obtained in lectures for the world of work.

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How to Cite
Archa, K. A., & Isdianto, A. (2022). KEGIATAN PRAKTEK KERJA MAGANG DI UPT. PPP PONDOKDADAP. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(4). Retrieved from


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