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Reviana Christijani


Background.Sodium and potassium are two prominent minerals work as electrolites to regulate the balance of body’s liquid. One of the electrolit balanced mechanism is carry out by kidney. Kidney will secrete excess sodium and potassium into urine.Objective.This research is an effort in understanding  the correlation between sodium and potassium intake to sodium and potassium excression in urine of men and women with age 20-49 years old using 24 hours urinary rate.Method.The research used cross sectionaldesign. The study was conducted on two different days in Bogor City involving 100 men and 100 women.Result. In adults of Bogor City, potassium intake was very significantly correlated to the 24-hours urine potassium excretion levels, either on the first day of 0.249 at p=0.000 or on the second day observation by 0.222 at p=0.001. However, natrium intake was not significantly correlated to the 24-hours urine potassium excretion on the first day of -0.066 at p=175, but was significantly correlated inversely by -0.126 at p=0.037 on the second day. Conclussion.Levels of 24-hour urinary sodium excretion do not correlate with the amount of sodium intake because most will be reabsorbed and partially excreted in urine and sweat. Levels of potassium consumption have a very significant correlation as a result of metabolic processes that express potassium in a short time.

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How to Cite
Christijani, R. (2023). A CORRELATION INTAKE TO URINARY EXCRETION LEVEL OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM AMONG ADULTSOF BOGOR CITY. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 3(3). Retrieved from https://jurnalpengabdian.com/index.php/jece/article/view/803


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