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Muhammad Zaki Zamani


Writing this article aims to describe the role of local wisdom in Donorojo in utilizing and managing springs. The spring in Donorojo has local wisdom that functions to protect the spring. Local wisdom that is applied to become the main fortress is maintained and springs flow to meet the daily needs of residents. Local wisdom as the main fortress in the management and management of springs can still meet the needs of the local community both in the household and agricultural sectors. Because over time, many local wisdoms have been shifted by modernization. Local wisdom is important to be studied and preserved in a community in order to maintain balance and can be a means of preserving the environment. The sampling method used in this study was purposive sampling. Research respondents consisted of: the head of the hamlet, the head of the RT / RW, and the local community. After determining the respondent, the next step is to conduct in-depth interviews and conduct a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study are: 1) The distribution of springs in the study area from the hydrogeological sub-system of the Gungsewu karst area, namely the Donorojo-Pringkuku sub-system where springs are found to form river flows; 2) The types of springs in the study area can be grouped into: perrenial springs, decreasing springs, ascending springs, and rising springs. The classification of springs in the study area based on the discharge is included in class six with a discharge of 0.1 to 1 liter / second;3) the use of local springs is used to meet the needs of households, livestock, industry and partly for agriculture; 4) each area that has local wisdom on springs, can be used as an effort to conserve springs at the local level

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How to Cite
Zamani, M. Z. (2022). EPIKARST SPRING CONSERVATION BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM TO KEEP WATER RESOURCES RESILIENCE IN DONOROJO DISTRICT, PACITAN DISTRICT. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(3). Retrieved from https://jurnalpengabdian.com/index.php/jece/article/view/724


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