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Laurence Ricardo Pandapotan Simandjorang


Regions around Lake Toba (KDT) resulted from Toba supervolcanic eruption hundred thousands of years ago that has become one of strategic assets for North Sumatera Province which has been through various stresses in decades such, either caused by natural factors or human activities that neglect the principle of living environmental conservation. According to the Agreed Map on Forest Functions 2009, the forest coverage area in the Water Catchment area of Lake Toba (DTA) was 143,840.32 Ha or 51% of DTA. However, this area is not achieved yet until present time, merely 57,604.88 Ha (15.27%). Various problems are encountered, particularly those related to activity coordination. Consequently, impacts of conservation efforts are insignificant. In order to increase effectiveness of conservation in KDT, a research was conducted in Sianjur Mulamula Subdistrict, Samosir Regency, on 115 households using mixed method and probit model on the determining factors of local people’s perception to participate in conservation activities in Sianjur Mulamula Subdistrict, Samosir regency, such as: (1) household: age, dependency rate, income rate, and education; (2) land: area of idle land, land ownership, topography and travel time, water availability; and (3) offered programs: incentives, suitability of seeds, assessment to initiator, and success rate of previously conservation.

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Pandapotan Simandjorang, L. R. (2022). ANALISIS DETERMINAN KONSERVASI MASYARAKAT DI KAWASAN DANAU TOBA. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(3). Retrieved from


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