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Rohmani Sulisyati


Karimunjawa as one of the marine protected areas in Indonesia has potential natural resources with high biodiversity and relatively intact ecosystems compared to other areas along the northern coast of Java. As a leading destination in Central Java, tourist visits to Karimunjawa National Park are increasing. The average tourist visit to Karimunjawa is over 12,000 people per year. In order for the tourism sector in Karimunjawa National Park to be economically beneficial to the community with the quality and condition of natural resources being maintained, a concept is needed for sustainable tourism management. The ideal condition that will be realized in the current management of Karimunjawa National Park is "To become an area with an intact diversity of ecosystems for the use of sustainable tourism". The vision is expected to become a reference for the management of ecosystem diversity by the Karimunjawa National Park Office. In order for this ideal condition to be realized, a concept and stages of sustainable tourism development that can be accepted by all parties by agreeing on indicators of sustainable tourism are needed. One of the efforts to agree on the concept of sustainable tourism is the holding of a tourist trainer, which aims to agree on the concept of sustainable tourism, between the government and the tourism community and gather ideas and aspirations regarding sustainable tourism in Karimunjawa National Park. The development strategy is carried out by covering the development of accessibility, amenities, tourism activities with due regard to the carrying capacity and environment carrying capacity, economic growth, social issues, cultural heritage, water quality, health, safety, and aesthetics. The formulation of the strategy was carried out with community participation and commitment from the government, community and tourism actors. An agreement for management collaboration is needed so that sustainable tourism activities in Karimunjawa National Park can be implemented.

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How to Cite
Sulisyati, R. (2022). MEWUJUDKAN WISATA BERKELANJUTAN DI TAMAN NASIONAL KARIMUNJAWA. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(3). Retrieved from


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