Upaya Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari di Pantai Tiga Warna dengan Identifikasi Terumbu Karang

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Muhammad Javier Irsyad Irsyad
Muchamad Fairuz Haykal
Faradhillah Adibah
Ilham Maulana Asyari
Anthon Andrimida
Fauzul Zain Hardiyan


Coral is one of the natural resources that have high value. Coral has many benefits for the environment and surrounding communities. Coral reef monitoring must be carried out to determine the existence of coral reef life form by diving. This coral reef monitoring activity is one of the activities of the Internship (PKM) of Marine Science students. The method used in monitoring is LIT (Line Intercept Transect), which is the recording of the coral reef life form from 1 straight line that can represent environmental conditions. On Tiga Warna Beach, 5 types of life form were found, namely CB (Coral Branching), CM (Coral massive), CF (Coral Foliose), CE (Coral Encrusting), and ACS (Acropora Sub-Massive). The Coral Foliose type is one of the most dominant in the Three Color Beach area. The Tiga Warna Beach area has high light intensity and low turbidity so that it is able to make Coral Foliose grow optimally. Mapping of coral reefs can be done to determine a suitable location for use as an ecotourism area, especially snorkeling activities. By mapping coral reefs, it is hoped that they can find new areas for snorkeling for tourists as an effort to develop marine ecotourism on Tiga Warna Beach..

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How to Cite
Muhammad Javier Irsyad, Muchamad Fairuz Haykal, Faradhillah Adibah, Ilham Maulana Asyari, Anthon Andrimida, & Fauzul Zain Hardiyan. (2021). Upaya Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari di Pantai Tiga Warna dengan Identifikasi Terumbu Karang. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(1), 1–7. Retrieved from https://jurnalpengabdian.com/index.php/jece/article/view/7


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