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Sargassum polycystum seaweed is used to produce alginate, which is needed by various industries. Alginate formation in the thallus of seaweed cannot be formed without chlorophyll, which plays a role in the photosynthesis process. Therefore, seaweed requires elements of iron and magnesium to support the presence of chlorophyll. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between iron and magnesium levels on chlorophyll and alginate content of S. polycystum seaweed. The results of the research are the basis for the use of alginate-producing seaweed in aquaculture areas. This study used a survey method conducted in two places, namely Menganti Beach and Karimunjawa. Seawater samples and thallus seaweed S. polycystum were taken randomly to measure iron, magnesium, chlorophyll, and alginate content. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. The research results showed a positive correlation between Mg and chlorophyll levels on Menganti Beach at 75.1%, while on Karimunjawa Beach, it was 99.9%. The correlation between chlorophyll content and alginate content in Menganti Beach was 96.9% and on Karimunjawa Beach was 96.2%. The Mg content at Menganti Beach averaged 1.89 mg.l-1, with an average talus chlorophyll content of 24.97 mg.l-1 and average alginate of 75.2%. The Mg content on Karimunjawa Beach averaged 1.45 mg.l-1, with a moderate chlorophyll content of 17 mg.l-1 and average alginate of 20.9%. The S. polycystum seaweed at Menganti Beach is higher in producing alginate than the one at Karimunjawa Beach.
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