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Kuswadi bin Bunadi


Karimunjawa National Park has five types of ecosystem: coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, beaches and lowland tropical rainforests. The mangrove ecosystem consists of 45 species. The area of ​​the Karimunjawa National Park mangrove forest is 222.20 hectares. Mangroves have a high survival capacity. However, its existence must still be monitored in order to know the threats that occur to the mangrove ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to determine the health status of mangroves in Kemujan Island. Data were collected from March 13-17 2020, using a purposive sampling method. Assessment to determine mangrove health refers to the Mangrove Community Monitoring Guide edition 2. Observations show that the mangroves on the island of Kemujan have a wide variety of species, where they generally live on a sandy mud substrate. Types found include Excoecaria agallocha, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora stylosa, Lumnitzera racemosa, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora mucronata. There are three categories of mangroves, namely major, minor, association and coastal vegetation mangroves. Eight species are major mangroves, six minor mangrove species, 10 associated mangrove species and coastal vegetation. Percent canopy cover at 10 stations in solid status, five stations in medium status. The density ranged from 6,378 - 43,352 trees / Ha, the percentage of cover was in the range of 0.56 - 87.95%. The average percent closure is 66.67%. From the calculation of the density value and the percentage of mangrove cover, it shows that the mangrove health on Kemujan Island is in good condition.

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How to Cite
bin Bunadi, K. (2022). PENILAIAN KESEHATAN EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DI PULAU KEMUJAN, TAMAN NASIONAL KARIMUNJAWA. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(4). Retrieved from


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