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Husain Latuconsina


Mangrove forest is one of the important habitats for fish communities, used as a feeding ground, protection, nursery, and spawning ground. This study aims to compare the species composition and structure of fish communities in mangrove forests during the day and night periods. The research was conducted from December 2015 to January 2016 in the mangrove forest area of ​​Waiheru beach of Inner Ambon Bay. Fish were collected using bottom gill nets and observed several water quality parameters including turbidity, temperature, salinity, and pH. Data analysis included species composition, frequency of presence, diversity index, uniformity, and dominance. The results showed that the total number of collected fish was 57 individuals, including 17 species, 16 genera from 9 families, and 2 orders. Found at night were 35 individuals, 14 species, 14 genera from 9 families, and 2 orders. While during the daytime period there were 22 individuals, 8 species, 8 genera, and 5 families, and 1 order. The number of individuals, species, genera, families, and orders was found more during the night period. The highest species composition during the daytime period is Gazza minuta, while at night it is Pelates quadrilineatus and Gazza minuta. The species with the highest presence frequency were P. quadrilineatus (Terapontidae) and G. minuta (Leiognathidae). The percentage of adult fish was 70.59%, pre-adult 17.65%, and juvenile 11.76%. Ichthyofauna found are generally inhabitants of mangrove areas both in the juvenile, pre-adult, and adult phases. The dominance index tends to be higher during the daytime period, while the variability and univormity index tends to be high at night. The index values ​​of diversity, uniformity, and dominance during the day and night are in a low category.

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Latuconsina, H. (2022). IKTIOFAUNA DI HABITAT MANGROVE, PANTAI WAIHERU – TELUK AMBON DALAM. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(4). Retrieved from https://jurnalpengabdian.com/index.php/jece/article/view/631


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