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Faisal Riza Hasbullah


Early childhood education is a planned conscious effort to assist children according to their level of developmental attainment according to age. The application of creative homes for early childhood who are located anywhere has a role to assist children in using various areas and material tools that are in the house or rented. This golden generation who is in the golden age needs to be mentored and nurtured jointly between educators in early childhood education and parents at home. The method used is the best practice carried out at PAUD AMANDA PAPINDO located in Jayapura Papua with a population of 20 parents with early childhood aged 3-4 years. The application of creative homes for parents is intended for all parents, both those who are married young and who have been married for a long time. For the target, not only parents of women or mothers but fathers or grandfathers can also follow to apply creative home learning. Because the factor of early childhood education depends on the government as a separation of hands, namely PAUD institutions, communities around early childhood, and families which are the primary and primary caregivers for early childhood.

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How to Cite
Hasbullah, F. R. (2022). the THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CREATIVE HOUSES FOR EARLY CHILDREN IN PAUD. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(3). Retrieved from


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