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Rosnania Said
Elly Sjattar


Burnout is a syndrome resulted from energy consumption that exceeds the resources, resulting physical,emotional and mental exhaustion. The study aimed to analyze factors related to burnout in nurses in ward in Wajo Regency General Hospital. The research design used was Cross Sectional, and carried out in wajo regency general hospital. Data was collected using a questionnaire with 100 people as samples who were selected by purpossive sampling and analyzed using chi Square test. The research result indicates that instrinsic factor (job characteristic and autonomy) has no correlation with burnout in nurses (α = 0,074),and leadership (supervision and communication) also has no correlation with burnout in nurses (α = 0,286). Whereas organizational variables (workload, incentive and organizational policies) has correlation with burnout in nurses (α = 0,009), reward has correlation with burnout in nurses (α = 0,002), human resources (the number of staff and staff development) has correlation with burnout in nurses (α = 0,017). and there is no relationship between leadership (supervision and communication) with burnout in nurses (α = 0.286).The logistic regression result shows that the reward is the most dominant factor associated with the occurance of burnout in nurses. Conclusion : organizational variable, reward and human resources has correlation with burnout in nurses in ward in Wajo Regency General Hospital.

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How to Cite
Said, R., & Sjattar, E. (2022). FACTORS RELATED TO BURNOUT IN NURSES IN WARD OF WAJO REGENCY GENERAL HOSPITAL. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 1(2). Retrieved from https://jurnalpengabdian.com/index.php/jece/article/view/207


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