Peran Pendampingan Belajar Di Era New Normal Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Anak

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Ama Noor Fikrati


In the New Normal Era, the process of learning children is done online. This leads to both good and bad effects on the child's learning. The good impact, learning activities can still be done even if not stood face to face. The bad impact, the length of this online-based learning activity can have an impact on children's mental health. Mental health is a condition of the well-being that individuals realize, in which there are abilities to manage the stress of a reasonable life, to work productively and produce, and participate in their communities. The purpose of the role of a companion in the learning process is very important in order to be able to help learners in understanding the material, to reduce the level of stress in children, and the child's mental health can be maintained. The subject of this study was an elementary school boy in sarirejo-karangtengah. This research uses qualitative methods because in the exposure of data is done descriptively. The results of this study state that this assistance is able to ease the burden of students in learning and reduce child confusion and reduce the level of distress in children to the material taught because with assistance can provide understanding of the material being discussed. Thus, the child's mental health can be maintained.

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How to Cite
Fikrati, A. N. (2022). Peran Pendampingan Belajar Di Era New Normal Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Anak. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(2). Retrieved from


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