Relationship of Temperature, Chlorophyll, Upwelling, Thermal Front on Skipjack Fish (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) Landed at Nizam Zachaman Port, Jakarta

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Tri Djoko Lelono Lelono


Nizam Zachman Jakarta Ocean Fishing Port (PPS) is the bigest port in Indonesia with the average production of skipjack tuna during 2013-2015 of 34,472.08 tons. The distribution of skipjack tuna is influenced by oceanographic parameters such as temperature, chlorophyll, upwelling and thermal front. The problem of Indonesian fishermen is the lack of information about potential fishing ground, while ocean dynamic affect to the abundance of fish. Therefore the use of satellite image for assessing the potential fishing ground based on oceanographic parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between temperature and chlorophyll-a, to determine the relationship of temperature, chlorophyll-a with the catch and to determine the relationship between thermal front and the distribution of fishing ground. The method used in this research was quantitative descriptive method. The analysis used was regression, correlation and spatial. The relatonship of temperature and chlorofi-a showed a coefficient value of -0.059 and strong closeness with a value of -0.769. Simultaneously the temperature and chlorophyll have an influence on the catch and than the catch showed a low erosion with a temperature value of -0.284 and chlorophyll-a 0.267. The distribution of fishing ground with thermal front area detected by Vassel Monitoring System (VMS)was 32.74% and logbook was 13.22%. The application of other oceanographic parameters is recommended to improve data accuracy

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Lelono, T. D. L. (2022). Relationship of Temperature, Chlorophyll, Upwelling, Thermal Front on Skipjack Fish (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) Landed at Nizam Zachaman Port, Jakarta. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(2). Retrieved from



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