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Mayang Wulandari


Background. The Covid-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020 has succeeded in crippling all lines of people's lives, including education in Indonesia. All means are taken so that everything continues to run according to targets, including online learning methods so that student needs for access to education are still met in addition to complying with the government's appeal to maintain distance as well as to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus.  Purpose. With this assistance, students are expected to be able to operate e learning / Moodle easily because of the attractive features and easy operation. Method. The PKM implementation team will provide assistance on the steps for using e learning / moodle, namely how to operate it, how to fill out attendance, how to download materials, how to re-check whether attendance has been recorded or not, view lecture schedules, and find out whether students are required to attend. remedial or not. Assistance will be carried out through zoom media so that all questions and problems can be immediately answered and resolved for the sake of the teaching and learning process to run according to the syllabus and RPS that have been compiled during this Covid-19 Pandemic. Results. After providing assistance and explanations about the operation of e learning / moodle, students understand and can practice how to fill in attendance, where to download materials, and how to operate zoom to attend lectures.

Keywords : Covid 19; e-learning; online lectures.

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How to Cite
Wulandari, M. (2022). The ASSISTANCE OF ONLINE LEARNING METHODS ON STUDENTS OF ITSK Acupuncture Study Program RS DR SOEPRAOEN KESDAM V / BRW MALANG. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(2). Retrieved from


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