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Sherly Darma


The productivity level of tuna (Thunnus Sp.) in Banyuwangi is quite abundant. Many of the tuna catches by fishermen are sold directly or fresh in the fish market. Then there are also those that are managed into industrial businesses, namely canned tuna products. Moreover, Banyuwangi is a district that has the largest tuna canning industry center in Indonesia, especially in the province of East Java. The method used in this research is by scoring to determine the superior activity with the IE matrix. In determining the sample, non-probability sampling method is used, namely purposive sampling where sampling is carried out with certain criteria using 25 respondents. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. IFE and EFE analysis are used to determine the competitive advantage that exists in PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia. Internal environmental analysis (IFE) at PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia the total score obtained is 3.55. This can indicate that the internal capabilities of PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia is generally above average or close to very good. Furthermore, regarding the analysis of the external environment at PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia which includes opportunities and threats. the results of the analysis (EFE) with a total score of 2.97 which means the position of PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia is average but close to above average performance. This value represents PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia has the potential to continue to grow because it can take advantage of many opportunities as well as anticipate existing threats. Meanwhile, determine alternative strategies in the value chain at PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia based on the IE matrix, the results of the IFE and EFE analysis meeting matrices are at the point in column IV, this shows that PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia is included in the Growth Strategy division.

Keywords : IFE, EFE, Tuna Productivity, Business development strategy

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How to Cite
Darma, S. (2022). STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PADA PT BANYUWANGI CANNERY INDONESIA. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(2). Retrieved from


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