Supply Chain Implementation of Facial Toner Products at PT XYZ

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The use of assets with minimal costs without compromising the quality of goods must be carried out, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, accompanied by proper supply chain implementation. The problems that organizations are seeing during the COVID-19 pandemic are specifically identified with the production supply chain, due to the widespread vulnerabilities between the point of view of interests and the perspective of suppliers. Such as variations in goods, variations in the number of goods, labor limitations, distribution delays due to limited production capacity, and the results of the quality of goods. The implementation of the facial toner product supply chain at PT XYZ starts from the supply of bottles, stickers, cardboard. It has three main flows, namely, the flow of goods, the flow of information, and the flow of finance. The flow of goods to determine the flow of products from suppliers, industries to affiliates or retail locations which will later be directly disseminated to buyers. The flow of information to find out the number of requests, settings to the framework that will be completed by both parties to get the same understanding. The financial flow manages the payment and use of finance in each production. Implementing the right supply chain makes it easy to allocate products from the industry to consumers according to the target without a hitch.

Keywords : Supply Chain; Face Toner; Main Flow

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How to Cite
MEDIKANO, A. (2022). Supply Chain Implementation of Facial Toner Products at PT XYZ. JECE - Journal of Empowerment Community and Education, 2(1). Retrieved from


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